Friday, February 26, 2010

Separate Sense of Self as Learned Behavior/MIndset

(Note: click on image to see larger version)
Playing with 3D stereograms reminds me that the process whereby I can "see" the 3D image "feels" very much like awakening did/does.
There is a sense or experience of allowing something to unfold, stopping resisting, letting it happen.

It cued me to think about maybe this whole "separate self-identification with body-mind" is a learned behavior. I almost certainly did not have this when I was born. No, I think this is taught and reinforced over and over and over again until a mental process or "overlay" as FMW calls it develops. Ego, in other words. The idea that I am the author of my thoughts and actions.

So, perhaps E is breaking free of this mental process. Perhaps trying to break free simply perpetuates it. Perhaps one, "by accident" happens onto the right combination of mental stop the process. Even for a moment.
I certainly don't know how or what I do to see the stereograms.

And yet I do.
And many don't


Anonymous said...

Funny! I posted something similar a while back:

I'm guessing you've realized since this post?

Joe D G said...

actually before- but this is an older post. Dec 2005.