Monday, February 28, 2011

"You Should Write More"

I'm told that some times. It came up the other day when I went here and then clicked through toLiberatedself's blog roll and boop! there was Nemo's Notes in his/her blog roll.
Get a nice rush from that: odd, but also a bit of an egoic smell. not that it lingers long.
When I mentioned this I was told - "you should write more."
Sigh.I am currently erasing shoulds from my life. I see places where I do things out of fear of future perceived consequences, instead of genuine desire.

As for the site at the top I mentioned. I thought it might be Stephen Norquist's posts at first, but now I don't think so. It seems (to me) to have much more of an edge, dark even angry side. SN's writings never seemed that way to me (and he has his own site.)
Someone once asked me :" Why do all you enlightened guys seem so angry when we ask questions." Could be questions like that (just kidding).


number7 said...

You're full of shit

Joe D G said...

thanks for making my point for me.

Anonymous said...

...we're all full of shit...writing happens when it's all echos anyway...

Unknown said...

I'm confused? lol!