Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Who's Choosing?

This post in Savage Love inspired today's blog post:

What is your response to people who say that being gay is a choice?

"You think being gay is a choice? Then choose it: Suck my dick. Show me how it's done. You choose it—suck my dick—and I'll videotape it, and then we'll put the proof that being gay is a choice on the Internet for the whole world to see. Deal?"

- Dan Savage

Who or what is making your choices?
Can you choose to like something you detest (for me: boiled okra. You can put a $100 bill in my hand and that slimy, snot look-alike food ain't going down my gullet. $1,000? OK. I'm not proud; I have my price.)

Point being - you can't convince yourself of things you don't believe or simply choose to stop believing in them. Why Not? What's going on here?

Which leads to...
  • Who is this 'you' that you cling to as being the real you?
  • Who (or what) is actually making the choice?
  • Is there really a choice being made at all?
Note: for those of you who, looking at the picture, said:
'Wow! boiled okra doesn't look so bad...'
I have news for you: That's not boiled. That's fried (i think). I couldn't find a picture of boiled okra. I could find a picture to illustrate Dan's quote, but this is a family show...


Kitty said...

That's raw okra in water.

Joe D G said...

i thought someone would know for sure. OK. raw okra in water is OK. Briefly.
About an hour from now...not so much. thanks.

Kitty said...

I'm that way about goat cheese. I cannot be fooled into believing it is anything but nasty.

And it doesn't matter who or what it is tasting it. If this particular collection of tastebuds has to deal with it, it is YUCK!

Joe D G said...

At a restaurant last night on the menu was "stinky tofu" - I kid you not.
No I did not choose to try it!

Kitty said...


How did they think that was an endorsement?

Kitty said...

This does not inspired me to change my mind:

Joe D G said...

It was at a Chinese restaurant. I'm guessing something was lost in the translation.