Saturday, June 6, 2009

Shopping is Arising

There are times when an expansiveness comes over me. No, that's not a great word for it - Bliss, a good one, or an awareness of the Joy of Simply Being Free. Along with it comes the awareness or sense of no time and space, just Now-ness, Everything will work out fine because it already has. No worries, no self-imposed constraints - all that washes away. A feeling of freedom, no time sense. It's all just Right Now and feeling very content.

And I go onto Amazon and buy some thing. Sometimes a few things (an Apple wireless router this morning).

This has been one of the "odder" aspects to the whole awakening thing. Not that comparing oddness makes any sense at all.

So there we are. It's all good - All of it, no time no space and simply free and I go shopping. Not for unneeded frivolous things, and generally nothing too big.

Just funny, is all.

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