Saturday, March 21, 2020

Coronavirus Updates

Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance: What the Next 18 Months Can Look Like, if Leaders Buy Us Time - Why are we taking such extreme measures?

Dr. Emily Landon at the Illinois Governor's COVID-19 Press Conference:

Peak Prosperity - The coronavirus marks the end of the long era of growth and the new era of deglobalisation, supply disruption, international balkanisation and state interventionism. We are now entering that era.

Hell is Coming: Here is the Mathematical Proof

Why is the Trump administration scaring the people with gross exaggerations and moving us into government control? The Co-Vid-19 infection rate is around .002% and four out of five of those get well (better numbers than the original SARS).  - Have gratitude for swift measures saving your sorry ass.

Total confirmed cases of COVID-19 - see the graph of the world at once

Friday, March 20, 2020

How to Handle The Virus Crisis

If possible try and (re)establish existing routines - for example - I do yoga in the morning, then meditate then exercise. Lunch and dinner same time. Keep drugs/alcohol to a minimum until you are more stable. Be willing to just sit and cry once in a while. It’s ok. Not all day. Not everyday. Take a deep breath (or 2 or 5) and then get up and move. Rinse and repeat. 

Be gentle with yourself - you are defining a new being-ness - a new normal. Most of us hate to have our cheese moved. It’s jarring and unfair and anger and resentment and sadness and fear are normal. Breathe, acknowledge the feelings, tell your mind “thanks for sharing” and don’t believe the lies it tells you - anything about the future is a lie by definition. And if it’s about others and you have not verified it yourself, then that is a lie as well. Also, mind works in absolutes - “it will always be like this or never be like that”. All absolutes are lies as well. Your conditioned mind is tricking you.

Move on and don’t stay stuck. Try new things.

Keep the news to a minimum. I had a meltdown over the weekend and my wife put me on news rationing - I was allowed to look briefly 3 times a day. Monday and Tuesday I had difficulty focusing and concentrating with work. That seems to have passed. But I am still not on the news as much.
Sitting and puddling will not help. Your mind may tell you that if you start crying you’ll never stop. Highly unlikely! Most I’ve seen someone go is about 20 minutes. It will stop.

Try helping others. Reach out. Don’t feel sorry for yourself. I find myself deeply moved, and emotionally empathetic with all of humanity and our predicament at times. Very surprising about myself. Watching the virus infection growth graph animate in real time - basically watching fast growing exponential curves - is tough.

Watch this: The real heroes are the medical ppl on the front lines AND the infrastructure and service folks who remain at their stations. Amazing how we all pull together when it gets tough. Just sit and appreciate and meditate on THAT.

Maybe try this viewpoint: Perhaps Life is getting us to correct our maladaptive behaviors and giving us a window to do so. If this had been like ebola or black plague - different discussion (and even then, just a more severe correction).

Maybe it’s kinda like A Christmas Carol - we’re being given a chance to change our behavior. Ask what *you* will now choose to do differently. A very good question, for all of us, actually. Maybe this is an opportunity. Maybe Life loves all of us so much it will do whatever it takes to get us to correct our behavior and live in alignment with what really works for the species as a whole. I look at it this way: Humans are getting “spanked.” That’s a Metaphor not literal truth (i don’’t think).

Or it’s just basic math and physics: We created this (in part) by clearing wild forests and moving into new and foreign animal territories we previously had never encountered - this was going to happen. There were lots of warning no matter what the elected leaders say. We - as a whole -simply chose not to listen. And it will continue to happen. Next time we listen better and don’t get spanked as hard.
One Single Point of Consciousness's Perspective.