Saturday, March 21, 2020

Coronavirus Updates

Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance: What the Next 18 Months Can Look Like, if Leaders Buy Us Time - Why are we taking such extreme measures?

Dr. Emily Landon at the Illinois Governor's COVID-19 Press Conference:

Peak Prosperity - The coronavirus marks the end of the long era of growth and the new era of deglobalisation, supply disruption, international balkanisation and state interventionism. We are now entering that era.

Hell is Coming: Here is the Mathematical Proof

Why is the Trump administration scaring the people with gross exaggerations and moving us into government control? The Co-Vid-19 infection rate is around .002% and four out of five of those get well (better numbers than the original SARS).  - Have gratitude for swift measures saving your sorry ass.

Total confirmed cases of COVID-19 - see the graph of the world at once

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