Wednesday, October 5, 2011

End of an Era

Steve Jobs died today.
I was blown way when I heard. Sad, moved. I was blown away by how blown away I felt.
One of the best lines:
He changed forever the computer, music, and film industries, doing so through the simple expedient of better design. He redefined the notion of taste in an industry dominated by engineers and a general lack of style.

Never met the man but worked at Apple and NeXT.

I have a story...not about Steve, but about the impact he and his vision and company had on me.

In 1992 I went to work at Apple HQ as an analyst in the IT dept.
I was a PC person. Had used a Mac a few times, considered it a toy, but it did great graphics.
When I got to my new cube, there was a Mac II waiting for me. I moved the monitor a bit and when I turned on the computer it "chimed me" (hardware failure).
My new co-workers said "you must be a PC guy, it can tell."
Well, I scoffed at that and rebelled against the kool-aid drinkers....

Until a few months later when, as an employee, I could buy a Mac laptop at a big discount.
This was my first Mac, my first laptop, a small Powerbook with trackpad. Hi Rez BW screen.

I remember picking it up at the depot and driving to one of the Apple HQ buildings where I had a meeting in a few minutes. I had time to open it and look at it before the meeting.

Now, remember, in 1992 - computers came in dull, gray boxes...

Not this box. Attractive brown color with attractive graphics on the outside showing off the laptop inside. Well thought out and designed.

I opened the box.

On the top was a slick, glossy sheet of paper that said welcome to the community of Apple. We are here for you and with you and want to help you be successful.
That kind of thing.

Then I opened the laptop.

The screen sprang to life.

It said:
"Do you know how to use a mouse. If Yes, click here. If no, press any key and we'll show you how.

I was amazed.
The care, concern, design, thoughtfulness. I felt I'd been touched by kindred spirits. Others who wanted to change the world, one person at a time.
Just like I did.

I was blown away.

When I got to work the next day, with new found respect for and enjoyment of all things Apple (and my new laptop which I loved for a long time)
I wrote a long email to my colleagues expressing how I felt.

They came by one at a time to smile, nod and say:

"You've Been Mac'd"
They even had a name for it. When one GETS what Apple is all about.

I've been a Mac fanboi ever since.
To this day, one of my never-fading joys is to open an Apple product.

Steve has always been my favorite entrepreneur.

The world dimmed a bit when he shut down for the last time.

I got shiny eyes and felt moved.

Thank you Steve for all you were and all you gave.
It was to make the place the way your think it should be.

I totally respect that.

my other posts about Steve:
here and here.

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