Monday, June 18, 2012

Zoltar Lives!

It would appear my wish was granted.

For a fairly long time I've felt that I've been waiting for something...on hold.
Went through a painful divorce last year, but we are both still close friends and both doing better for it.

I've been reading off and on about the coming crisis we face. Last week I "happened" on a book that has energized and inspired me. Then this weekend, in taking a break from the book, watched: DMT: The Spirit Molecule. After it was done I was looking around for something "lighter" to watch and "happened" on this: 2012:Time For Change.
I think you can see why it captured me so. The balance between the book's careful analysis of where we are, how we got here and why this time is different and the movie's impact caused a shift.

Somehow I feel called, purposeful. I'm writing, reaching out and participating. Reading, sharing.
Me, Mr. isolationist. Well, not so much anymore. Perhaps it's as simple as the survival instinct overcame the isolationist instinct.  Or maybe a bit more. Maybe consciousness is evolving and I'm being carried right along with it.
There comes an agonizing reappraisal of technique and 'practice'. The brutal negation of ND work was useful, and now time to move on. Don't Stop, Further:
Words are false; only the meaning they convey is true. They are illusion, but they give a meaning. Therefore, all is illusion but to understand the illusion, illusion is needed. For example, to remove a thorn in your finger you use another thorn; then you throw both of them away. But if you keep the second thorn which was used to remove the first one, you'll surely be stuck again. 
Much movement and reconnection. Lots happening. Lots of Mo'.

You'll see more to come.

Wonders and mystical and magical.
And, we're in for a rough ride. 
It's going to 'worse' before it gets better.
"Ladies, hold back the edges of your gowns, we're going through Hell."

Stay tuned...

P.S. It ain't just me.

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