Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Independence Day

I take this time to share with you some thoughts about what it means to me to be a US citizen, and a citizen of the world.
For many years I have been focused on inner transformation. I was not unaware of the problems facing us, but I relegated them to a back burner. Some parts complacency, some parts fatalism, some parts wanting to see it all collapse to force us to be humans again.
A few weeks ago I read something that catalyzed me. A shift occurred. It seemed as though for the last few years I've 'been on hold' waiting for something to focus on: the outer transformation.

Now something has come alive. I feel renewed, committed and ready to bring the power and light of my own inner transformation to begin transforming the outer.
An old and dear friend likes to say "Reciprocity is absolute." I've never really gotten that until lately. And so I reach out my hand first in friendship.
I am asking myself: What can I do to make a difference? to be the change I want to see in the world. And I accept the answer to the question: "What is wrong with this country and this world? I Am."
I am tuning into what is going on, what is being done, how and why and to whom. Reading, learning, educating myself.
I am turning onto what I am feeling called to do from my own internal compass. What actions to take and where to focus my energies.
I am dropping out of old outmoded patterns of thought, beliefs and behaviors, as well as the complacency and fatalism that have been there for so long.
I wonder if this is how our founding fathers felt: excitement, energy, promise and, yes,  some fear.
So with a renewed sense of citizenship, patriotism and commitment to my friends, neighbors, community, state, country and world, I reach out to my fellow citizens and patriots.
Lets take back our country. Lets rebuild our country anew as the old husk bankrupts and dies around us.
We are all in this together.
There is so much more that unites us than that which divides us. Not competition, but cooperation. Not at the point of a gun but willingly, freely and with a sense of the Oneness that unites all of us living beings.
We must hang together, or we will assuredly hang separately.
Happy Independence Day.


Anonymous said...

i cannot seem to find a patriot or citizen vibe anymore...maybe a sense of community, yes...the system is entrenched and choice is to live outside the system as much as feeling is it will all collapse before the powers will be forced to seek other ways...both parties owned...which corporations do I salute today in remembrance of a dream long corrupted...I choose not...

Anonymous said...

i cannot seem to find a patriot or citizen vibe anymore...maybe a sense of community, yes...the system is entrenched and choice is to live outside the system as much as feeling is it will all collapse before the powers will be forced to seek other ways...both parties owned...which corporations do I salute today in remembrance of a dream long corrupted...I choose not...

Joe D G said...

I salute you Chuck and Kitty and your commitment to truth in your lives. Telling the truth is a revolutionary act in its own right.