Friday, April 1, 2016

Peeps, 5 Second Rule, Chicago, I Want One, New Math, Initial Script Approval

I fully admit to being a Peep fan. Have been since I remember. I am one of the 25 % who prefer them stale. I should be able to take a peep, tap it on a hard surface and it should make a solid knocking sound. More on Peep history. I believe peeps are safe from the Five second rule.

Off to Chicago for a week teaching. Always a bit weird when I return. Not one of my fav cities. I was born and raised in Chicago...which is why I live in California.
Anyway, there's no denying the salmon-returning-to home kind of feel, though.
Lots of familiar sights and sounds.
I'll be staying near Water Tower Place Across from John Hancock Building -  I remember Chicago without it - and walking up Michigan Ave to get to work. 

Lots of memories.
Fri Update: Class went well, had a good week. Tip of the hat to my Co-instructor - He was great.
I enjoyed the walk up and down Michigan Ave.
Still feels odd to pass the place where O'Connell's Restaurant was - My grandmother would take me there for a hamburger when I was little. She would cut the burger into 1/4s for me.
I still do that some times. (Hi Gram. Miss you. ;-|
We also liked Flukeys' Hotdogs

And the hotdog shaped bubblegum, of course. 

I noticed that the bag of PEANUTS I was served on the flight is labeled "This bag contains peanuts." on the back.
It's labeled that way by law. This law. At first I thought it was dumb. But, I can see their point. And this: 
...the risk of harm times the gravity of the potential harm is weighed against the burden of taking precautions. (Lawrence Solum explains a bit more here.) The “harm” of an unlabeled food allergen is quite grave; it can be, and often is, a dead child, and is at a minimum several dozen emergency room visits every day.

Trying to find a restaurant Monday night. One expensive Italian restaurant, in a hotel, decor like the Godfather's study - funereal - told me I couldn't keep my laptop bag by me at my table in the completely empty restaurant. Why not, I asked. Well, you might be a terrorist with a bomb in the bag. 
This from the cook/owner. I left. 
I found this. I laughed.

I did my part. I ate my weight in Garretts Carmel Corn this week.

Seems fitting:

For the wake, of course.

I have no idea what this means.

I heard from my new client and she "really liked the script!" 
Now we just need to meet and plan next steps.

That's it for the week. Now sitting in Midway waiting to return to SD.
Next week? Off to Lake Oswego/Tualatin area. 

Take care of yourself.

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