Sunday, July 3, 2016

House, Musical Interludes, George had CRS, Brian is (still) a Doofus

As some of you know, and was mentioned here recently, I've bought a house - with my Wife2B Donna.  
Say "Hi", Donna:

It suits us perfectly, so perfectly, in fact, that it almost makes me believe in the whole It Was Meant To Be thing. Almost. (Too many assumptions underneath that for me to buy into it.) But this house could make me a true believer. It hit every single item on both our check lists. We looked for over a year. Zip. Nada. When you take out Pools, Power Lines, HOA and Mello-Roos (basically paying additional "taxes" to put neighbors' children through school) there's not much left.
Then we found this and fell in love with it. It's so perfect it's f-----g spooky.
Not that spooky! 
Ha! Just kidding, that's not it.
Although, it kinda looked like that over the 2 years 
they were tearing it down...

Many of you have asked for pics. Here are some of the  realtor's pics. He had a good photographer. I'll post more from the wedding.

No, that's not our furniture.

Very Cali, very modern, very open, very much Our Home. Finally. 
It better be - I've moved every 2 years for the last 30. I'm never moving again. I'll donate it all or set it on fire first.

Too obscure?

Wedding will be held at the house and while we were excited to host 60, the count has grown to 90 100 and we're a bit concerned where ppl will sit. So, while we welcome all our friends and relatives and look forward to a fun time celebrating a wonderful, magical, very special moment that I've waited all my lifetime for

Brief Musical Interlude (excuse the cheesy anime)

there are times I dread the walk to the mailbox to check for new RSVPs.

But, all jokes aside, like most everything else, it will be all too fleeting. And all of it - the intent, wish, dream, physical manifestation, levels it plays on, all playing their parts and their contribution, all is part of the beauty of the moment. 

Not that it's all sunshine all the time. At dinner the other night D and I were both somewhat cranky, but were lucky to make a joke about it: I laughingly said: "Our spheres of grumpiness cancel each other out and there's an area of sunshine right between us." Which brought a smile to all involved.

While looking for music recently for the blog this came to mind: Apple Scruffs.

George was my favorite Beatle, for sure. And this song always brings a tear and melts my heart with his compassion. It's a song he wrote for the hard-core Beatle fans - NOT groupies! they will be very clear to tell you - who used to sit by the entrance to the studio to catch a glimpse of the boys. While they were somewhat derided by the others,  George saw it differently. He held them in respect, and saw the part they played in the whole reality - sharing the magic of the time  as it was then - even to inviting them into the studio early one morning and playing it for them. As well as being his acknowledgment of Bob Dylan.

Here's his last interview and performance:
Bliss is wonderful, George, yes. 
and after 18+ hours of it the nervous system starts to burn out.

One of my favorite moments comes around 29:00 when he's trying to think of a song to play. "The only person who doesn't know his own songs." And All Things Must Pass was the last song he ever performed.

Here's a link to some truly wonderful photos. At first it was like, ya, ok, whatever but after a while the magic took hold. Enjoy. The ducks on the lake was one of my favs.

As I mentioned recently, we went to see Brian Wilson and his band perform his Pet Sounds 50th Anniversary tour.
The show was ok - vocally he and Al Jardine - the only other original member with him - don't have the vocal chops anymore. But they're in  their 70s - so fine. What was surprising and pleasing was that Al's son who tours with them can do the Beach Boys sound quite well. Brian used this to his advantage on some duets. It was still fun to see the icon perform and there is still presence and heart there. His experimental work on the 2 instrumental numbers shows he's still trying new things.  And of course he played all the favs, including "the best song ever written", according to Paul McCartney, at the time, as quoted in the 2014 movie about Brian, Love&Mercy (quite good and highly recommended).

Well-deserved standing O for God Only Knows

Was quite the doofus on stage. It was child-like and cute.

To be honest, while there are certain of his songs I like - a lot, I remain more a Beatles Fan. 

Was impressed by this recently:
Make a GREAT tattoo

All for now - lots of work still to do - wedding in a week, new seedlings to start, wedding video to finish and a new Smoker to try out on with ribs.
Take care and have a great week.

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