Thursday, August 26, 2010

One Less Angel?

I related this story to a friend of mine and she suggested (strongly) that I blog about it. I don't know why...I'm trusting you, Sherry!

A few years ago my wife and I were finishing a long hike down off the local mountain. As we came to the end of there trail there's an old, weathered fence that separates the grazing land portion of the mountain from the homes nearby.

As we approached we saw this white shape sitting on top of one of the fence posts.

We got closer and saw it was a white plaster angel. Not even a nice cheery cherub, either.

Like fins on cars this seemed so unnecessary. The trail, the trees, the dust, the fence, the rusting barbed wire all seemed of a piece. The angel definitely did not seem to belong.

How often do we do that? Add on to that which is fine just as it is?

This really infuriated my wife, by the way...who snuck back later at dusk and knocked the angel figurine off the post and into the ditch nearby.

My friend who suggested I blog this, pointed out that the possibility is that the person who put it there found it the exact right addition and it actually added to the beauty of the scene.
Or they are an artist who put it there and is filming people and their reactions.
All part of "Having to Believe."


Anonymous said...

..."incongruities" like that make me laugh...

Anonymous said...

Or perhaps they were being ironic... or perhaps they wanted to piss off someone's wife! ;-)