Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Nemo's Notes is Evolving to Fit the Times

I've heard it said that humans only change out of necessity and that necessity has to be brought about by crisis. (Ok, Terrence McKenna says psychedelics can do it as well, and faster, but, I digress).

At a company I worked at, it seemed management was incapable of taking any impending deadline or issue seriously, if it was more than 2 weeks out. Now, that worked OK (sorta), if the problem could be resolved within two weeks.
When it couldn't all hell broke loose.

People historically sought spiritual development to ease suffering. Who the hell would go through that crap if their life was perfect and all shits and giggles?

Even the promise of  Freedom, whatever the fuck that is, is not enough to get people off their ass. Especially if they have not tasted, or simply can't remember what it felt like.

So, perhaps the current challenges and threats to survival, sanity... provide a need, a necessity, to learn how to clean up our act. Necessity being the mother of invention.

Question is if it's too late. If nature cashes our check, I don't imagine there will be a lot of pissing and moaning over us across the rest of the planet. In fact, it might just breathe a sigh of relief.

The image at the top is one that came to me years ago: A rabbit pulling itself out of its own hat. The image seems perfectly apropos. Hasn't made it to tattoo status yet, but give me time.

I am starting this blog to educate, warn, entertain and help us to wake up to what is going on, organize,  and not just survive, but thrive. The current state of how we are and run this planet is not sustainable by any definition.

We need to adapt, help each other...or we'll simply disappear.

What can you do? well, start with these links:
and tell someone about this. Share, read, think. breathe.
And don't give in to complacency or fatalism.

It is as it is, but not as it seems.

The Doors and the Airplane nailed it 40+ years ago. Now it's our turn (for some of us, lets finish what we started).
Five to one, baby 
One in five 
No one here gets out alive, now 
Gonna make it, baby 
If we try 

The old get old 
And the young get stronger 
May take a week 
And it may take longer 
They got the guns 
But we got the numbers 
Gonna win, yeah 
We're takin' over 
Come on! 
Your ballroom days are over, baby 
Night is drawing near 
Shadows of the evening crawl across the years 
Ya walk across the floor with a flower in your hand 
Trying to tell me no one understands 
Trade in your hours for a handful dimes 
Gonna' make it, baby, in our prime 

Come together one more time 

We should be together 
Come on all you people standing around 
Our life's too fine to let it die and 
We can be together 
All your private property is 
Target for your enemy 
And your enemy is greedy
We are forces of chaos and anarchy 
Everything they say we are we are 
And we are very 
Proud of ourselves 
Up against the wall 
Up against the wall motherfucker
Tear down the walls 
Tear down the walls 
Come on now together 
Get it on together 
Everybody together 

We should be together 
We should be together my friends 
We can be together 
We will be 
We must begin here and now 
A new continent of earth and fire 

Come on now gettin higher and higher 
Tear down the walls 
Tear down the walls 
Tear down the walls 
Won't you try 


Anonymous said...

joe . . . been following your blog for a long time - back since david had that first gathering down in florida back in - what was it? 2007? i know that change your going through . . . have felt it too since around back then . . . pulling out of all gatherings, even the ones with folks so obviously serious about the waking up thing . . .

for the past year i've been obsessed with developing a program based on a few core skills, and back in april i launched it to 9 people. it's a six-month basics program teaching core shamanic, psychic and energy work skills, with a personal development module added to help them navigate how the mind and heart react to seeing their story, how it begins to take them outside of what mass consciousness says is true.

the obsession i've felt - even as i've pulled out of 99% of all social contact in my living - is to interact and work intensely with these folks to help them see what lies inside of them, the toll their story takes on them, and how to opt out. i've felt a huge, awful shift coming, and the obsession is around equipping people with basic core skills to enable them to see clearly what's happening, and how to make choices based on the psychic and shamanic channels that are available - free and easy access inside of us.

there is something true in nature, and in the connection with the energies and beings that aren't of the earth. i did ayahua*sca for the first time with a peruvian shaman and it blasted through the last of the new age nice-nice left inside. showed that the story really is the poison, and that dropping the story is imperative as we ride out the next few years and the aftermath . . .

there's been this sense that i'm alone in all this . . . trying to build a house that folk's don't recognize as shelter yet . . . yet chuck is going through much the same as you are . . . and it evokes something inside of me akin to a warrior comradeship . . .

i've collected a lot of pdfs and kindle books as i've pieced together what;s happening . . . i'm happy to email them to you if you'd like . . .

glad to read your writings, joe . . . glad to feel another brother out there . . .

Joe D G said...

Reading this brought tears to my eyes.

Opting out - I agree - I think of it as building a new country the old falls around us. There are images in 2012 movie that showed me a vision of a new way to be. And it starts with me. I have to engage. I can't keep hiding out. It can get so depressing. Yes, a big shift is coming. Yes I think a lot of people are going to suffer. I think the skills you are offering are Key. Sharon is looking at some thing similar. My nature is taking me into political engagement. I also plan to pursue community activism as well. I like what I've been reading in Evolver. I am moving San Diego - will grow food and look to connect with kindred spirits in the area. Looks like there is no Evolver spore there. hmmmm.
I think your wanting to help people get the core skills to see clearly is vital. It is the first step: Tune In and Turn on (to ones internal state). Then drop out.
They need to be able to see clearly to do this.
I've dropped the ND negation and much of the WooWoo aspects of this I clung to for so long. TIme to move on.
I did Aya**** a couple years ago and it cemented many things and left some things unanswered - Am considering one more voyage.

There IS an external objective reality - or so it seems - and so might as well act like there is one. This has opened me up.

You are NOT alone. I'm here with you even through oddly shaped squiggles on a computer screen appearing as meaning in the mind. We are connected, kindred spirits.

I think you'll like today's post.

Yes, please send the materials. I think you have my joeg235 email on gee mail, yes?
Hugs, Salute and a warm handshake. ;-)

The line from Casablanca comes to mind - when Ilse's husband welcomes bogart back to the fight.