Monday, July 26, 2010


Are you willing to give up all you hold dear to know what's Real, even for a moment?

This question gets asked alot along The Way and perhaps we answer semi-automatically.

Have you asked this and really let it in? More than just words or sounds or ideas?

Really let in the feeling of this? What this truly means?

Really Really?

And, lest this become too melodramatic and one more mind-knot, what's pointed to here is not necessarily literal loss, but rather loss of ones' beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and mind-knots about that thing.
The cotton-candy fluff that hardens until it seems solid and gets in the way of the Real.

Wouldn't you like to give that up, even for a moment to see what's Really there?


Kitty said...

The loss of fear is an amazing outcome.

Joe D G said...

Thank you Kitty,
It's so easy to focus on the loss of "good stuff", it's easy to drop out the loss of other stuff:
Psychological addictions
Untruths about ourselves

Kitty said...

PS. Love the rabbit. :-)

Joe D G said...

Kitty, good notice!
This is an image that came to me a while ago...a rabbit pulling itself out of its own hat.

It should make for a great tattoo.